Holi is the festival of colours. But for various brands, ad agencies and marketers, it is the day to go one up on their rivals through the colours of their ads.

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Holi is the festival of colours. But for various brands, ad agencies and marketers, it is the day to go one up on their rivals through the colours of their ads.

Top 5 Marketing Strategies, Brands Can Play This Holi

The power of experiential marketing: How festivals are reshaping brand engagement

7 examples when brands used Holi as an excuse to peddle liberal agenda

Holi Campaigns: An ET Brand Equity special selection, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquity

How FMCG Brands win with IPL on Television featuring Rajiv Dubey and Krishnarao Buddha

Holi 2023: Paint good over evil with brand colours, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquity

Festive marketing offensive: Should brands stay away from religion?

aimooh-editor, Author at aimooh - OOH and Signage Branding Company

Brands encourage us to 'colour with care' this Holi

84% consumers say experience as important as products & services: Salesforce report


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