Voices of Syrian women in civil resistance

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Syrian Women Leading the Change

The Struggle for Serê Kaniyê: Revival, Renewal, & Ruin - The

You Can't Kill the Spirit: Women and Nonviolent Action (article)

The Syrian Resistance: A Tale of Two Struggles, Part 2

PDF) Suriye İç Savaşı'na Feminist Bir Yaklaşım

Crisis update: Women of Syria, eight years into the crisis


PDF) SOCIAL MEDIA AND POLITICAL CONFLICT International Res Jour Managt Socio Human

Cry Out with a Woman's Voice: Love, Resistance, and the Erotic Verse of Syria's National Poet - The Millions

Syrian Women Leading the Change

Rima Flihan – The Levant- Syrian women in public affairs and

Violence against women in Syria: a hidden truth