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Apocalypticism - Wikipedia

Manmade on X: We're four Canadian friends who hated our uncomfortable cotton boxer briefs. So we created - our own. NO Chafing NO Adjusting and NO Sticking Just super comfortable, breathable boxer briefs. Try them out! They

The Vicious Truth About Drug Addiction and Alcoholism - Focus on

How America Went Haywire - The Atlantic

Let's rank every X-Man ever

You Hurt My Feelings' Review: She Can't Handle the Truth - The New York Times

Rolling Stones: Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, 60 years of love

Paul Schrader Wants to Make Another Movie

Canadian writer Delaney Hart exposes the huge problems with

All-Canadian, AI Santa Claus is coming to town

How Elon Musk Went from Superhero to Supervillain

When Elon Musk unplugged the Twitter servers with a pocket knife: 'There's still shit that's broken because of it', Science

A Glimpse of Jesus: The Stranger to Self-Hatred: Manning, Brennan

How Immigrant-Friendly Is Canada?